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With the development and fine-tuning of the EXPLORER trawl doors, and after tough tests in different sea beds and conditions, MAPSA has managed to meet the three ambitious objectives that it set itself at the beginning of the project:

• Ease of handling and smoothness on overturns and difficult bottoms.
• Energy savings during trawling, which allows improving the economic performance of fisheries.
• Reduction of the impact on the seabed, to enable the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources.

The EXPLORER doors are proving to be the most suitable to obtain captures with the lowest energy cost, given the little brake they offer. Thanks to the configuration of the board and its small dimensions.

Its low weight, low centre of gravity and the help provided by the three-branched crowsfeet means that the door tilts when coming up to obstacles and once they are crossed, it rights itself in such a way that it does not damage the seabed.
EXPLORER trawl doors can also be manufactured in stainless steel as well as incorporate sensor mounts of any brand.

Features of the EXPLORER DOORS

Mapsa S.L. - c/ Verge de Núria, 61, 08401, Granollers - 93 870 94 00

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